Welcome to the chronicles of a Walt Disney Intern. I'll be spending the fall semester in Buena Vista, Florida living out my dream. I'm here to provide you with up to date knowledge about the different aspects of being an intern without spoiling the magic.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Interview Timeline

Interview Timeline

I figured I would put up a brief timeline for anyone who was applying and found my blog doing research about professional internships since I know I spent the last two months finding any information available.

2/9/2013: Sent in applications for "Costuming/Entertainment Project Analyst" and "Engineering Internships"

2/11/2013: Received email requesting initial phone screen 

2/12/2013: Initial phone screen 

2/20/2013:  Phone conversation with a contact at Disney to answer any questions about internships

2/26/2013: Phone call requesting interview with Costuming department 

2/27/2013: Phone interview with costuming department in Orlando (eek!!)

3/6/2013: MY OFFER for Fall 2013 Costuming/Entertainment Project analyst (aka best day of my life)


  1. Hi Meg! Just wondering, you said on 2/20 you had a conversation answering questions about PI's, was this someone you knew or was it an "official" part of the interview process? Thanks for the details, by the way, and congratulations!

    1. Hey Mark. It wasn't someone I knew- he said it was part of their customer service.. but I don't think it was an official part of the interview process. I honestly have no idea.

  2. Hello! If you can still remember, what type of questions were you asked for the initial phone interview? Were they basic interview questions like "what are your strengths/weaknesses" or were they more "what would you do in this type of situation?" I have mine on the 29th and was wondering what type of questions I should be thinking about! Thanks!
