Welcome to the chronicles of a Walt Disney Intern. I'll be spending the fall semester in Buena Vista, Florida living out my dream. I'm here to provide you with up to date knowledge about the different aspects of being an intern without spoiling the magic.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What My First Post Should Have Been..

Apologies to all zero of my readers for not prefacing what this blog is actually about... (lol @ the fact I actually have zero readers)

BUT that is beside the point since I am writing this post to actually describe what this blog is (or will be)

A little about myself:

I am a sophomore in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech. I love everything about the Hokie Nation and the community I surround myself in.. lets be real, if you can trick 30,000 students into spending their college years in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains with the cows and country folk, there better be some darn near amazing people there. Among being a tour guide, a Hokie Camp counselor, the 2015 Leadership team, working with the SGA, and living on campus for three years, some would say that I spend a little too much time investing myself into this community- but I'd say it feels about right.

That's why saying goodbye to Virginia Tech for a semester is going to be quite the challenge.

Basically, my dream since I was younger has been to work at Disney World. A big part of the reason I decided to major in industrial engineering at Virginia Tech was due to the fact that Disney has an entire IE department. Now I'm going  from Tech to Disney for a semester That's right, I recently received a professional internship as the "Costuming and Entertainment Analyst Intern: Fall 2013" and I can't wait for the magic to begin. (sorry I'm corny and like commenting on my writing with parenthesis)

A little about this blog: 

My main goal in writing this blog is to keep my family and friends who really like reading updated on what I am doing in my internship and life since I am going to be disconnected from the real world for five months. 

I also am going to post a few helpful tips and information I wish I would've had throughout the process in case any potential PI's stumble across my blog in research of their positions. Considering most engineers don't enjoy writing, I'd imagine there aren't many other detailed blogs out there like this one (or maybe there are and I'm painfully oblivious.. who really knows) 

Anyway, worst case scenario, it'll be a public journal for me to remember all the great times I had throughout this process. It doesn't actually begin until August, so it's really questionable what this will evolve into over the next five months. 

Apologies again to anyone who stumbles across my ramblings. Love you to my family and hope my writing doesn't bring too much shame to the Carper name. 

P.S. Some lingo for future reference
IE= Industrial engineering
PI=Professional internship

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